AD's Blog

Definitionally Wrong

December 09, 2020

There’s a number of things currently going on with Americans as the American Empire begins to internally fracture. There’s been a large increase in general conspiratorial thinking (EDITOR’S NOTE: Conspiracies are real), coupled with a total breakdown in public trust in a wide array of cultural institutions. Most everyone who is slightly in-touch with their gut instincts at all can feel that something is very wrong.

I don’t want to get into what that feeling is about here. I want to keep this post short by focusing on a specific example of why people have lost faith and trust in our cultural institutions.

In past month, (today is 12/09/2020), has changed the dictionary definitions of:

  • courtpacking
  • bigot
  • sexual preference

courtpacking bigot sexual preference dictionary dot com's response

This behavior isn’t strictly limited to, of course. It’s a classic Wikipedia problem too (and media in general); note the editorial wars over the article on Benford’s Law after the 2020 election regarding its applicability to electoral fraud. Leftists were in a full-blown panic to control the ‘facts’ and narrative around that topic of contention, as they generally are. They have generally decided that in order to set themselves up for victory, they should focus on controlling the language you use; if you’re preventing from even expressing certain thoughts and ideas, you can be controlled.

They’re mostly right.

That’s part of what is contributing to the total breakdown of trust in these cultural institutions; the naked exercise of control over the very language you are allowed to use shows that there really is no discussion to be had. It’s a pure distillation of their power over those who disagree.

In this way, it’s more honest about actual American class relations. Just exercise your institutional power to pervert and contort the common understanding of words and language in order to gaslight your opponents. The people in control of these institutions are people we would generally refer to as ‘sociopolitical elites’. They control the means of cultural production. They are either entirely internationalized or are aligned with it, and often harbor great resentment and hate for the ‘hillbillies’ they’re politically opposed to. That’s part of the problem; the people attempting this control manuever like doing so because they like inflicting pain on their ‘enemies’. Humans never change.

Language does change, of course. In a sane world, ran by sane people in a sane country (America is disqualified on all accounts), changes in dictionaries would happen only after widespread adoption of the change reaching a critical mass, rather than being a tool of an insanely privileged ideological revolutionary vanguard. But we don’t live in that world. We live in the 1KYAE, and we are living through the rise of the successor ideology. This must be something like what Rome’s pagans felt as Christianity sweeped through their populace.

Quite literally as I’m writing this post, Youtube has decided to ban anyone who criticizes the 2020 presidential election outcome or indicates there may have been fraud in it, while there are a number of high profile fraud cases both at and making their way to SCOTUS at the moment. The digital public commons participate in this, too. They’ve been cracking down on ‘mis’ and ‘dis’ information for years, in order to make sure they solidify their control over the public narrative. Note that they’re not saying it’s wrong information. Just inconvenient information. ‘Dis’-information. “You weren’t supposed to say or hear that” is the undercurrent of the term.

Welcome to the Infowar, anon.

Written by AD
Ruralite software engineering dad. Part-time Conspiracy Analyst. Builder of software. Hiker of trails. Grower of gardens. Digital Hillbilly.
You should follow him on Twitter!